Post-conference Workshop

Johan Reyneke, Gabrielle Millesi, Mike Leung,
Vincent Perciaccante, Eddy Becking, Johan Jansma

Saturday 30 November 2019

Ryder Cup, techniques in theatre

Under the stimulating patronage of master of masters, Johan Reyneke, he and other well-known orthognathic surgeons will be challenged and share their techniques, tips, tricks, narrow escapes, complications and disasters to an enthousiastic group of greedy surgeons in order to provoke argumental discussion and in-depth intervisional learning.

The atmosphere will be of epic Ryder Cup proportions including singles, doubles, four-balls, cheering, battles, mental games but, above all, good sportsmanship.

You all are cordially invited. Premium beneficial seating is guaranteed for Oral and Maxillofacial trainees.

Johan Reyneke Gabrielle Millesi Mike Leung
Vincent Perciaccante Eddy Becking Johan Jansma